Paper Flower Girl (Paperback)


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Written by Margrete Lamond
Illustrated by Mateja Jager

Shortlisted for the 2024 CBCA Picture Book of the Year.

The teacher’s notes are now available here. 

The Paper-flower Girl creates elaborate flowers out of paper, but she has few customers. When the Giant from the Hill brings her to work for him, they soon discover they want very different things. Before long, the Paper-flower Girl is forced to create things she no longer recognises as flowers. When the exasperated Giant throws her from the Hill, the Paper-flower Girl takes with her something belonging to the Giant, incorporates it into her elaborate flowers, and attains greater success than the Giant. This is a story about being prepared for the worst and hoping for the best.

What the CBCA judges had to say …

“This exquisite, high-quality picture book captivates from the soft, detailed cover and beautiful endpapers through to the very end. Language is poetic and evocative, successfully using a range of literary devices (repetition, rhythm, rhyme) to create mood and atmosphere. Vocabulary is sophisticated taking the reader on a journey with the unfurling story of the girl, her creativity and the giant and his demands. Bolding and changes in size and positioning of the text is utilised effectively, enhancing the message. Artwork is exceptional, at times almost creating an additional narrative thread, at others extending the feelings and actions of the characters. Variations in colour palette reflect the changing mood, emotions and dialogue between the girl and the giant. Use of changes in perspective and positioning is creative and original.”



MARGRETE LAMOND is an author, editor, publisher, and independent story coach. As an author, she has had 20 of her own works published by a range of publishers, most notably The Sorry Tale of Fox and Bear (shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Literary Award 2017) and Just One Bee (Honour Book for the CBCA Picture Book of the Year 2022).

MATEJA JAGER is a Slovenian-born Australian illustrator. She studied fashion and textile design at the University of Ljubljana and is self-taught in illustration. Her first two books were published in Slovenia. Mateja is known for her quirky greeting cards and prints, and her work has been featured in major Slovene magazines and the prestigious international Brightness Magazine.

RRP: $26.95 AUD (hbk)
ISBN: 978-0-6453523-9-9
SPECIFICATIONS: 40-page picture-book
TRIM: 280 x 210 mm
COVER: 4 colour
INTERNALS: 4 colour
ENDPAPERS: 4 colour
TRADE RELEASE: October 2023
CATEGORY: Early childhood – 4 to 8
RIGHTS AVAIL.: World excluding ANZ please contact


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